Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Replacement Assignment: AKA Secret Extra Credit

Is your grade in shambles? Did you forget to take Symbolic Notes again? Did you fail the Ch. 9 or 10 quiz? Twice? Did you lose your Planner the day of our last XP Tally?

Well, you're in luck! You can make up one of your low scores by doing one of the following:

1. Draw a high quality, detailed, colored, and labeled picture of Sojourner and its Lander on the surface of Mars.

2. Draw a high quality, detailed, colored, labeled, and measured map of the area on Mars that Mark is occupying and roving to and from. Must include important landmarks from the novel.

3. Come up with a 10 song playlist for Mark to listen to on Mars. You must justify why each song is on the list. "Because it's a good song" is not a good-enough justification.

4. Create a 3D Diorama of the Hab. Don't forget to include the Oxygenator, water reclaimer, bunks, potato plants, the kitchen, and other important parts of the Hab. Must be labeled.

Please be aware: If you bring me something that you drew on the back of scrap paper, I won't accept it. I am looking for effort; you know, the thing that you didn't show the first time around.


  1. why are you roasting my effort game? ;-;

  2. mrs.collela my effort is good but is we have a high grade can we still do this
